Behind the scenes – project «The Last Sonata» Ariel Solórzano Astorga, Universidad Veritas
The main inspirations for the creation of the videogame were my two grandfathers: Roger and Angel, who were both deaf.
Published by LCI Education, December 13, 2018
1. Explain us the project and who's it aimed at.
"Jabe" is a wearable technology product that connects your body and mind, predicts panic attacks and helps you calm down. By measuring skin conductivity and heart rate variability, the device detects physiological changes that occur before panic attacks. "Jabe" warns the user of these changes, making him aware of the situation in which he is and gives him the time needed to handle the situation. In case the person needs help to control his state, "Jabe" will guide his breathing rhythm by means of light thanks to its intelligent textile interface.
My project is aimed at people who suffer from panic attacks, are aware of it and want to improve their situation. The aim is to make it a tool for self-knowledge and learning that gives the user the security of being in control.
2. What did inspire you?
In Eurecat (a technology center that collaborates with the program) I was taught a project that detected physiological changes in the body with the change in skin conductivity. Starting from that point, I begin to investigate and came up with this idea. Experiences of people from my environment and my own personal situation were also a source of inspiration.
3. What materials did you use? How was the whole creative process?
Conductive fabrics and threads, LEDs, resistances, Arduino (microprocessor), other types of fabrics, etc. The creative process was totally experimental, I tested with different materials, creating different prototypes, testing them, etc. The project is not finished, I would like to be able to continue working on it.
4. How did all you learned in class help you to develop it?
Without what we learned in class and in Eurecat, I would not have been able to carry out the project. The Master's subjects, together with the teachers and classmates, were very helpful and inspired me throughout the process.
5. Tell us about the final presentation of the project. How does it feel to receive the Best Final Project Award of your Master's Degree?
I'm very happy for the work done and grateful for all the help I received.