Behind the scenes - Project "Eliett" created by Jessica Valderrama, LCI Bogotá
Published by LCI Education, February 8th, 2018
What was your source of inspiration for this project?
Eliett began by seeing the need to encourage the use of color through an accessory to a risky garment. For this reason, I began designing purses with bright colors and clean, geometric designs, which is part of the essence that I want to convey.
How was the project created (material, place, etc.)?
Initially, this project was conceived with the intention of designing out-of-the-ordinary purses that were still marketable. After creating various prototypes with synthetic leather, and seeing that the market variety in this material did not suit the purposes of the design in terms of rigidity, variety, and, most importantly, quality, the search began to find a leather that would meet said requirements, as well as explore the possibility of having added value, such as color, since leather gives us the opportunity to design the colors that we need. These are the principal qualities of Eliett.
If you were to do it all over again, what would be the things that you would change?
Mainly, I would’ve started this project a long time ago, since making the decision to start and manage your own brand isn’t easy, but it is a risk that I would’ve been happy to take much earlier. Truly, I wouldn’t like to change anything at all. I think that everything is a work-in-progress. I’ve definitely made some mistakes that have cost time and money, but this is all part of a totally necessary learning process and enriching experience that I definitely wouldn’t want to change.
How did the school/professors help you?
The support began the moment I started studying at LCI. All of the classes, without exception, gave us the necessary tools to start and direct our own projects. Similarly, even as a graduate I’ve had the opportunity to communicate with professors and ask them for advice and consultations that have helped me throughout this process. The school also shows great interest in offering help on each project that we, graduates, embark upon. One example of this is that, thanks to LCI, I had the opportunity to present my project at Colombiamoda 2017, one of the most influential fashion shows in my country.
What essential qualities are required to be successful in the field?
I think that the key quality is perseverance: don’t waver and have clear intentions. Also, always be learning and find the bright side of every situation.
Pedro Covelo, alumnus of Felicidad Duce, the School of Higher Education in Fashion Design of LCI Barcelona, was selected to present his Spring/Fall 2016 collection during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Madrid last September.
As a LaSalle College’s Fashion Business program alumni, Talita Natalia is the Creative Director of KLAR accessories. The name KLAR is the German for Clear which refers to her brand main material, acrylic. It was chosen as the main material of the accessories for its entity that could look invisible yet solid concurrently. Get to know this creative and inspiring entrepreneur!