Published by Espresso-Jobs, November 10th, 2016

You just had an interview for a really interesting job. So now there are a few things to avoid doing! What happens after your interview is just as important and shouldn’t be ignored.
Technically, the employer explained to you when exactly they would contact you, regardless of the response. So wait until a member of the organization calls you. If you call them in an attempt to get news before the agreed upon date, you’ll be pestering them and could even appear to be harassing them; the company isn’t ready to give you an answer yet. This will not have a positive effect on the establishment to which you applied!
That said, if you don’t receive any information concerning the job within the specified time frame, you can contact the company the day after the stated date. Additionally, if the employer didn’t tell you when exactly they would inform you of the response, contact them 7 to 10 days after the interview. You’ll be taking action, without being a bother!
Even though your interview went smoothly, tread carefully: don’t call your friends and family and tell them it’s in the bag! And be forewarned, picturing yourself working in the organization, visualizing your tasks, your office and your daily life, isn’t the best idea either. Surprises happen and you don’t know anything about the other candidates! If you’re rejected, you’ll feel even worse. It creates false hope should your candidacy be turned down.
If everything went more or less well, find out what mistakes you made. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared next time. And who knows, maybe then you’ll be the successful candidate. Don’t be too hard on yourself; you’ll end up always feeling disappointed in yourself. Remember the good points scored during the interview!
Opinions... Keep Them to Yourself
Always be wary of impulsiveness. As such, avoid extensively commenting on the organization and its employees. For example, judging the boss and how he or she acts. This serves no purpose except feeding snap judgments. You won’t like all of your coworkers during your career and that in itself is the challenge: learn to get along with everyone, professionally-speaking, and manage to work efficiently.
Be especially careful if you like to chitchat: it’s possible that someone you know might themselves know the people to whom, or the organization to which, you sent your application. They might have an entirely different opinion from yours and maybe your comments will get back to the recruiter! And please don’t put anything on social media!!!
Concentrate on how you did in the interview and your chemistry with the employer!