Sélection LCI Éducation

STELLA Magazine

Stella is a magazine focused on the disco era. The project was to design a thematic magazine while focusing on unique and interesting layouts and image editing. Tools: Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC

Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/lskqdapdgg4icyqebnn8mc0cdmx4yit4
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/l4fdzwfgu6112o6cb7balcrwiyudqpqr
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/zw7r0wn1y3wgj2lgv7cklep20ukrxia4
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/ia5dp18mlitq7g1sjkg28ywlf2cntlb9
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/lskqdapdgg4icyqebnn8mc0cdmx4yit4
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/l4fdzwfgu6112o6cb7balcrwiyudqpqr
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/zw7r0wn1y3wgj2lgv7cklep20ukrxia4
Design graphique/Collège LaSalle | Tunis/ia5dp18mlitq7g1sjkg28ywlf2cntlb9